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Toronto Newcomer Day 2024

June 12, 2024
On May 23rd, 2024, the Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF) proudly participated as an exhibitor at the Toronto Newcomer Day, held at Nathan Phillips Square. The event witnessed dedicated support from LEF staff and volunteers, who played a key role in supporting the clients who visited our exhibitor booth.

Throughout the day, we welcomed over 400 newcomers, offering support and resource information that meets their needs. This high level of engagement underlines LEF's strong brand presence and the significant demand for newcomer support services. 

Nick Phillips Square with the Toronto sign and people out in the sun.


The event also provided a valuable opportunity for LEF to connect with peer organizations, fostering relationships and potential partnerships aimed at improving client welfare. The continuous activity at our booth highlighted the effectiveness of our outreach and the community's recognition of LEF as a key organization for community development. 

Rows of stands with difference new comer services being advertised.

Overall, Toronto Newcomer Day emphasized the critical need for newcomer support, reaffirming LEF's commitment to providing comprehensive assistance to new members of our community. 

LEF staff taking a photo under a tent with flyers on a table.

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