LEF team handing out bags to a group of people.

Get the services you need

We respond to the needs of the community. If you are looking to host a community event or access social groups, we can support you.
LEF team handing out bags to a group of people.

LEF In the Community

LEF In the Community

Whether you’re looking to host your next event, book a space for a meeting, or access resources, we can support.
  • Youth Program
    LEF Youth Services program serves youths ages 15-30 who are searching to find their way in the world.
  • Get your bike fixed with LEF
    Weston Wheels is your community bicycle shop for the Mount Dennis neighbourhood.
  • Seniors Program
    Join other older adults in the community for fun and activities.
  • Book a Space
    Whether you want to host an event or a meeting, we have the space.
The Mount Dennis Quilt Project

Our commitment to community

The Mount Dennis Quilt project envisions a 14-storey multi-use building, offering a vibrant streetscape with both the ground level and the first few floors as community space.
Learn more about the project
A mural on a wall reading Mount Dennis.

Mount Dennis For All

A mural on a wall reading Mount Dennis.
The Mount Dennis for All Action Plan is a ground-breaking initiative where the city can work directly with the community to create an accountable and proactive action plan to address the unchecked rapid gentrification of Mount Dennis.

Other services LEF offers