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National Indigenous History Month 2022: Building a Traditional Ojibwe Wiigiwaam

June 9, 2022
LEF has been quietly embarking on a very special journey over the past few years.

In mid-December 2020 we developed a friendship and partnership with Gokoomis (Grandmother) Jacqueline Lavallée and her Oshkaabewis (Helper) Dr. Hopi Martin. For Children & Families, this has enabled us to deepen our emphasis on outdoor play. Hopi has been working closely with some C&F team members to facilitate the implementation of a Seasonal Pedagogy that comes from a Traditional Ojibwe perspective. This approach has incredible application to children and families of all Nations and Peoples.


We encourage you to learn more about this Seasonal Pedagogy on the Edge of the Bush website:

Building a Traditional Ojibwe Wiigiwaam

On Saturday, May 14th, we were delighted to have Dr. Hopi Martin lead us in the creation of a traditional Wiigiwaam onsite at Silverthorn Early Learning Earth Centre. We had many staff, parents, children and community members join us for the occasion, allowing us to come together and learn about the traditions and ways of knowing of Indigenous People. If you are interested in learning more about the Wiigiwaam (Traditional Bush Home), please visit:

A tree that has yellow and red cloth hanging from its branches.
Cloth in the colours of the Four Directions (Yellow, Red, Black, and White) is tied to the Wiigiwaam. There are many Teachings within the Wiigiwaam and we remain grateful for the Knowledge that was shared throughout the day.

Learning the traditions and ways of knowing of Indigenous people is long overdue. It is the cornerstone of the commitment made by the Canadian Government through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. For more information about Dr. Hopi Martin and his Traditional Ojibwe approach to early childhood education, please visit:

A group of adults and one toddler outside gardening.

LEF is grateful for our relationship with Dr. Hopi Martin and the opportunity to continue this necessary work.

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