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The inside of the LEF building. Greens and orange painted walls.

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Learn about what has been happening at The Learning Enrichment Foundation.
The inside of the LEF building. Greens and orange painted walls.

All news

  • Learning from Land as Teacher
    On Saturday, June 3, our Children and Families team hosted a professional learning event at one of our child care centres.
  • Learning, Connecting, Sharing: World Forum 2023
    This year, The Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF) had the opportunity to attend the World Forum Conference hosted in Panama City, Panama. Members of the LEF Children and Families Department arrived eager to learn, share, and discuss early childhood development.
  • National Indigenous History Month 2023: LEF's Understanding of The Seasonal Pedagogy
    June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, an opportunity to learn about the unique cultures, traditions and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis. It's a time to honour the stories, achievements and resilience of Indigenous Peoples, who have lived on this land since time immemorial and whose presence continues to impact how Canadians relate to this land that so many now call "home".
  • Toronto Newcomer Day 2024
    On May 23rd, 2024, the Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF) proudly participated as an exhibitor at the Toronto Newcomer Day, held at Nathan Phillips Square. The event witnessed dedicated support from LEF staff and volunteers, who played a key role in supporting the clients who visited our exhibitor booth.
  • Introducing the New LEF Website: A Gateway to Community, Connection, and Opportunity
    We are thrilled to unveil our revamped online presence with the launch of our brand-new website.
  • Child care
    LEF's work highlighted by AECEO
  • Community
    LEF's Entrepreneurship Program Showcase
    The Learning Enrichment Foundation (LEF) continued its mission of fostering local entrepreneurship and community engagement with a lively post-COVID event that brought together aspiring entrepreneurs, established businesses, and the community at large.
  • Community
    Opening of the OV Community Hub
    The Oakwood Vaughan Community Hub hosted an Open House in partnership with LEF to celebrate the official opening of the space.
  • General
    8th Annual LEF Mental Wellness Day
    We wanted to take the opportunity to acknowledge everyone that helped put together the 8th Annual LEF Mental Wellness Day Event on 22 November 2023. Thank you, volunteers, kitchen crew, staff, presenters, and supporting organizations for your dedication and hard work.
  • General
    140 Bicycles given out to the LEF Community from Air Canada Foundation Fundraiser!
  • The Canadian Paediatric Society released a Position Statement on Outdoor Risky Play
    We are excited to highlight a Position Statement the Canadian Paediatric Society released last week.
  • Child care
    Nurturing Relationships with the Land through Ceremony and Play
    Nurturing Relationships with the Land through Ceremony and Play – February 9-12, 2024