With Canada being the host country for 2024, the experience was particularly special for those attending.

One highlight from the conference was a full-day session on the Canada-Wide Early Learning Child Care program, otherwise known as CWELCC, which offered a National and Regional view of how the program is being implemented and experienced across the country.
Presentations and discussions focused on the essential actions for an effective National program, issues impacting workforce across the sector, and the importance and value of Educators. One memorable quote came from panelist Chris Smith, Associate ED of the Muttart Foundation in Alberta. Chris said “Working conditions for Educators are learning conditions for children.” While there has been great progress in some Provinces, there was a common theme around the need to ensure the rights of Educators, quality, and accessibility remain priorities across the Nation.

Touring some Vancouver child care facilities was another special event that many of our group experienced, while some chose to engage in conversation around advocacy and join some of the many World Forum Working Groups. Following these events were three days of morning plenaries and many break-out sessions to further extend our learning. There was so much to explore, with a wide variety of sessions to attend.

Here are some quotes from our group of delegates:
"We met various Inspirational leaders and learned about First Nation people, their community their struggles and successes, and how this work is present in all the childcares throughout our provinces. We are on the right path!!"
"We had the opportunity to explore several quality natural environments in Vancouver's childcares both indoors and outdoors and learned how to allow our observations of children lead to us on how our children's space should look."
"Attending the breakout sessions was a great opportunity to hear similar challenges and successes that effect the child care/education sector globally. It allowed me to reflect as a Leader and think about different ideas on how to support my team and children/families."
"I had the opportunity to meet global leaders and educators from around the world. It was inspiring to hear their uplifting stories and remarkable work in ECE in developing countries. Learning about inclusive education, Indigenous history and pedagogy, and less fortunate communities provoked me to reflect on the impact of our work with children and families."
"Attending The World Forum was an incredible eye-opener to connect with people from different countries and learn from their unique perspectives. It was amazing how education can bring people together and ignite a shared passion."

“It was truly a blessing that LEF allowed me to share my experiences and knowledge with others at the World Forum. This has been such a humbling and incredible opportunity for me. I just wanted to express my sincere thanks for this incredible experience."
"I was excited to learn about the First Nations Early Learning and Childcare framework as probably the most important way to uphold Indigenous rights and foster “reconciliation”. To support the priorities of First Nations, Inuit and the Métis Nation."
"I Learned from the speaker that we should reconsider using the term reconciliation, and use restoration instead, as a way to be more honest and respectful of first nations feelings in this process."
"A highlight for me was being able to network with people within North America and beyond and listening to individuals share their ideas and perspectives related to the sector. Overall, my experience at the World Forum was a positive one and will continue to reflect on some of the ideas shared."
"It was so amazing to see how similar and or different we are, where we sit with LEF, and all the new initiatives that we already use that strengthen our systems for the children families, and community we serve. This experience has allowed us to think about how to expand on what we were doing already and provoke new thinking."
"Attending the World Forum on Early Care and Education in Vancouver marked the pinnacle of my professional career. Looking back, the World Forum was more than just a conference; the time shared and the connections made during a week in Vancouver with each one of them made me feel proud to belong to The LEF Family."
A place where everyone has a common passion and understanding of Play.
A place where everyone is eager to learn and share their experiences and knowledge.
A place for growth and to inspire new ideas.
A place of belonging.
"My highlight was everyone's willingness to share their stories with people from different cultures and to find that despite where we come from, we shared many things in common surrounding early childhood education."
"Understanding different perspectives, recognizing our privileges and accessibility, learning ways on how we can bridge gaps and continuing to advocate for the early care and education sector were realized to be global efforts, challenges and are also successes.
This experience will remain memorable, where Educators and advocates from around the world came together (will continue to come together) to recognize and celebrate the early care and education sector."
"The Learning Enrichment Foundation has been an impactful workplace in my daily practice as an Early Childhood Practitioner for 26 years. It has fostered a strong enterprising spirit in me by inspiring the creation of holistic spaces that connect families, children, and communities through sustainable and thriving shared learning. Attending this year's World Forum on Early Childhood Care and Education in Vancouver 2024, energized and motivated me with innovative ideas to share collective action, a shared vision, and learning strategies."