If you don’t have enough money for food and housing and are in financial need, you can apply for Ontario Works assistance online or by calling 1-888-999-1142
Ontario Works provides money for food, shelter and other costs to people in financial need who meet the eligibility criteria.
Financial Assistance may include money for food, shelter, clothing and other household costs, the cost of prescription medications, and other help with health costs.
If you are in an emergency or crisis situation, you might be eligible for Emergency Assistance, which will provide you with immediate, but temporary, financial support instead of ongoing financial support like Ontario Works. If you are eligible for Emergency Assistance, the amount you get will depend on your specific situation. In most cases you will not get more than what you would get on Ontario Works.
For any additional information or assistance, please provide your details on the following page: https://lefca.org/newcomers/newcomer-supports