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I am a parent, what benefits can I get to help me with childcare costs?

Parents in Ontario can access various benefits, including childcare fee subsidies, the Ontario and Canada Child Benefits, and support for children with special needs, to help with childcare costs.
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You can contact 2-1-1 to learn about local childcare services and financial assistance available to you where you live. You can also apply for assistance through government subsidy programs:

  • Ontario childcare fee subsidy. Families can apply for the Ontario child care fee subsidy. The cost of this program is shared by the Ontario government, municipal governments and First Nation communities. 

  • Ontario Child Benefit. The Ontario Child Benefit (OCB) helps low-to-moderate income families – whether they are working or not – to provide for their children. 

  • Canada Child Benefit. The Canada Child Benefit is a tax-free monthly payment. It helps families pay for the costs of raising children under the age of 18. 

  • Children with special needs. Special Needs Resourcing (SNR) helps support the inclusion of children with special needs in licensed child care settings, including licensed home child care premises, and in places where child and family programs are provided such as EarlyON Child and Family Centres, children's recreation programs, and camps. SNR is provided at no additional cost to parents. 

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