Child Care Resources
Your family is on a journey, and LEF will help you find the support you need every step of the way. Here are some resources for you to consider:
Advocate for Early Childhood Educators
The Learning Enrichment Foundation is calling on the help of our educators, parents, families, and community to advocate for better child care funding in the province of Ontario.
Learn what you can doResources for Parents
Let’s talk about subsidy
Getting access to subsidy is a process, and LEF is here to help you through it. Let’s get started.
Once you figure out if you qualify for subsidy, add your child to the waitlist.
Find out if you qualify for subsidy0100

Resources for Educators
Below are some resources for educators.
Resources for Educators
Every Child Belongs
In partnership with the city of Toronto, Every Child Belongs offers training, support, and consultation to our staff to build inclusive environments and develop strategies that support families and their children.
Learn moreResources for Educators
Right to Play
The act of play is powerful for kids, and Right To Play provides learning sessions to LEF educators so we can “protect, educate, and empower children to rise above adversity.”
Learn moreResources for Educators
Edge of the Bush
LEF is honoured to work with Dr. Hopi Martin Waabizheshi Oshkaabewis (Ojibwe Marten Clan Sacred Helper). Hopi works with LEF leaders and educators to build tactics and create environments that help enhance learning for your children. Hopi is guided by Dr. Gokoomis (Grandmother) Jacque(line) Lavallée Ed.D and her family’s traditional practices from the Eastern Shore of Georgian Bay.
Learn about Dr. Hopi’s Seasonal PedagogyAdvocacy for Educators
While you’ve dedicated so much of your life as an educator to supporting children, you need to make sure that you are supported, respected, and compensated appropriately. The following advocacy groups will ensure that you are empowered and informed so you can continue pushing for change and understand how to influence decisions within Child Care:
- AECEOAdvocacy for respect, recognition, and appropriate wages & working conditions for all ECEs.
- OCBCCOntario’s central advocacy group for a universal early childhood education and care system.
- Child Care NowDedicated to advocating for a publicly funded, inclusive, quality, non-profit child care system.
- Building Blocks for Child CareA mission to expand and preserve accessible and affordable early learning and child care for future generations.
- Canadian Child Care FederationA diverse community of educators, policy makers, and families committed to giving the children of today the headstart they need tomorrow.

LEF's Program Resources
Whether your child is entering into LEF or already part of the community, we’ve established resources to guide you through every step of the process.
View Resources